Today I kept hearing it was National Sibling Day!
But actually that was yesterdays news.
I went on line and discovered I could download
an app on my phone (checkiday). I was curious
to see what I could celebrate tomorrow,
April 12, 2014! This is what I found.
Big Wind Day - On April 12, 1934, it was recorded
to be the highest wind speed in the whole
world. Mount Washington Observatory
made this recording of 231 miles per
hour. Pretty crazy!!!
Drop Everything and Read Day - best know as D.E.A.R!
This day was created to honor Beverly
Cleary's birthday who wrote, Ramona Quimby,
Age 8. You can read more about it
National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day - I love
grilled cheese sandwiches!! I can honestly say
I'll be making and eating myself a
Grilled Cheese Sandwich! Check out
Beverly's Blog at A Night Owl she has 25
amazing recipes for grill cheese!
National Licorice Day - From what I've been
reading on line, true licorice is black. Red and
any other color is not true licorice!
Russian Cosmonaut Day - This day celebrates
the first human in space made in 1961 by
Russian Yuri Gagarin. Read more
here-Nasa Mission
Walk on Your Wild Side Day - I don't know how
this day came to be but I like it! I'll have to
sleep on this one! Have any ideas, please share!
What's your favorite grilled cheese? How will
you celebrate your wild side?